Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Importance of Semiconductor Physics

     "Semiconductor Physics" can be defined as the study of the materials that are important for modern technology. As we'll see in this course, the physics of of semiconductor materials is really much, much more than that! It is a very important branch of the broader discipline of "Solid State Physics" which is defined as the study of the microscopic properties of the dense assembly of electrons formed by placing atoms very close together in a solid. Solid State Physics is a very large, very broad physics sub-field & Semiconductor  physics is a large sub-subfield of that ares. Solid State Physics research can be thought of as the opposite of Particle Physics research. Solid State Physics deals with the microcsopic properties of large COLLECTIONS of particles. By contrast, Particle Physics focuses on the properties of INDIVIDUAL particles. Particle physicists tend to break composite objects up into their constituent building blocks, while Solid State physicists (and Semiconductor Physicsists) are interested in what fundamentally NEW PROPERTIES emerge when these building blocks are grouped together in various ways. There are several Technological & Basic Physics motivations for the study of Semiconductor Physics, as well as Solid State Physics in general.
     Technological Motivations: An obvious, very important motivation for the study of Semiconductor Physics is the fact that the microscopic properties it deals with are responsible for the majority of modern technology. These properties determine the material mechanical strength, how they interact with light, how they conduct electricity, etc. So, Semiconductor Physics is an important subject for technology, because it gives guidance on  how to design the circuits needed for modern electronic devices This field, after all, gave us both the transistor & the semiconductor chip! For these reasons, Semiconductor Physics has been traditionally linked to materials science, chemistry & engineering. Recently, it has also developed overlaps with biology, biochemistry, biotechnology & medicine. So, many current research questions in Semiconductor Physics are still at the frontiers of applied science & next-generation technologies.
     Basic Physics Motivations: Another important motivation for studying Semiconductor Physics is the fact that the basic, fundamental physics needed to understand the microscopic properties of these (as well as others) is very interesting. Further, to understand these properties, the ideas & methods of quantum mechanics must be used. In fact, the physics of semiconductors is VERY deeply quantum mechanical. For this reason, Semiconductor Physics has sometimes been called the best "laboratory" for studying subtle quantum mechanical effects. This course is a chance for students to see quantum mechanical ideas & methods applied to cases where their technological consequences are so important. Two examples (of MANY!) for which Solid State Physics discoveries have revealed very interesting fundamental physics are the observations & explanations of Superconductivity (important for solids in general) & the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (very important for semiconductors). Both of these have exotic quantum explanations. A strong indicator that Solid State Physics in general & Semicondutor Physics specifically has led (& continues to lead!) to the understanding of many very interesting basic physics phenomena is the fact that
More than 40% of the Physics Nobel Prizes in the past 40 years
(& 50% of those in the past 10 years!) have been for work in Semiconductor  Physics!
Source: Charles W.Myles' Homepage

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