Wednesday, April 6, 2016

R & D Funding Agencies in India

(1)  University Grants Commission (UGC)

Contact Address
The Secretary,University Grants Commission ,Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi – 110002 ,Tel. No: (011) 23234019, 23236350 ,Fax. No.: (011) 23239659


(2)  All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Contact Address:
Adviser-II,RID Bureau, All India Council for Technical Education
NBCC Building, East Wing, 4th Floor, Pragati Vihar, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, New Delhi –110 003,Telefax No: (011) 24369632,

(3)  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)

Contact Address:
The Head,Human Resource Development Group, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa New Delhi – 110 012,
Tel. Nos: (011) 25748632, 25721585 Fax. No: (011) 25840887, 25860595,
E-mail:, Website:

(4) Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)

Contact Address :
The Director,Directorate of Extramural & Intellectual Property Rights
Defence Research & Development Organisation,West Block 8, Wing 5, 1st Floor, R.K. Puram New Delhi – 110066,Telefax: 011-26170928 ,

(5) Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)

Contact Address:
The Scientific Secretary / Programme Officer ,BRNS Secretariat
Department of Atomic Energy ,1st Floor, Central Complex,
BARC, Trombay , Mumbai-400 085 . Tel. No: (022) 25505223/ 25593946/25595331/ 25595386 Fax : (022) 25505151/ 25519613,

(6) Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Contact Address:
Scientist In-charge, Project Registry Cell , Department of Biotechnology
Block 2, 7th Floor, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road ,New Delhi – 110 003

(7) Department of Coal (DOC)

Contact Address:
General Manager (S&T) ,Central Mine Planning & Design Institute
Department of Coal ,Gondwana Place, Konke Road Ranchi – 834 008,(Jharkhand) ,Tel. No: (0651) 2231148 Fax. No: (0651) 2231447 ,E-mail: ,

(8)  Department of Ocean Development (DOD)

Contact Address:
The Director ,Ocean Research & Manpower Development Programme
Department of Ocean Development ,Block 12, CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110 003 ,Tel. No.: (011) 24306839, 24362278 ,Fax No.: (011) 24360336,24360779
E-mail: ,Website:

(9)  Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Contact Address:
Department of Science & Technology ,Technology Bhawan,
New Mehrauli Road ,New Delhi – 110 016 ,Telefax No: (011) 26963695
E-mail: ,Website:

(10) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

Contact Address:
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research ,Ministry of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road ,New Delhi – 110016
Tel. No : (011) 26960629 , Fax : (011) 26516078
E-mail :, Website :

(11) Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Contact Address:
Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research , V.Ramalingaswami Bhawan ,Post Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi- 110029 ,
Tel.No: 91-11-26588895, 91-11-26588980 ,91-11-26588707, 91-11-26589794, 91-11-26589336 ,Fax: 91-11-
26588662 ,E-mail: ,Website:

(12) India Meteorological Department (IMD)

Contact Address :
The Director General of Meteorology Antarctic & Project Evaluation Cell, DGM’s Office India Meteorological Department (IMD) Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 Tel. No: (011) 24618241 to 7 Extn. 4318 Fax: (011) 24699216, 24623220  E-mail:  Website:

(13 )Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) - Department of Space

Contact Address
Deputy Director, RESPOND, ISRO Headquarters ,Antariksh Bhawan
New BEL Road ,Bangalore – 560 094Tel. No: (080) 23416271 ,Fax. No: (080) 23419190E-mail: ,Website:

Programme Director ,Space Science Office, ISRO Headquarters , Antariksh Bhawan
New BEL Road ,Bangalore–560094 Tel. No: (080) 23415269 ,Fax. No: (080) 23415269  E-mail: ,Website:

(14) Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MOCIT)

Contact Address
The Secretary , Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Department of Information Technology , Block-6, Electronics Niketan, CGO ComplexLodi Road, New Delhi – 110003 ,Tel. No.: (011) 24364041 ,Fax No. (011) 24363134  E-mail: , Website:

(15) Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF)

Contact Address:
Adviser , Research Division , Ministry of Environment and Forests
Paryavaran Bhavan, Block No. 2 , CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi – 110003 , Tel.No: (011) 24362840 , Fax: (011) 24368654
E-mail: , Website:

(16) Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI)

Contact Address
The Joint Secretary , Ministry of Food Processing Industries ,Panchsheel Bhawan,
August Kranti Marg , New Delhi – 110 049 , Tel. No: (011) 26492216, 26492174
Fax. No: (011) 26493228 , E-mail: , Website:

(17) Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES)

Contact Address
Director (R&D) , R&D Division ,Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
Block No. 14, C.G.O. Complex, L odi Road ,New Delhi – 110003
Tel. No: (011) 24361604 , Fax. No: (011) 24367413 ,
E-mail: ,Website:

(18) Ministry of Power, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)

Contact Address
Joint Director(R&D) , Central Power Research Institute ,Ministry of Power
P B No.8066 , Bangalore 560 080 ,Tel No: (080) 23605367 ,Fax No: (080) 23601213
E-mail: , Website:

(19) Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR)

Contact Address
Director , R&D Division, PP Wing , Ministry of Water Resources
1st floor, Wing –4, West Block –1 , R K Puram New Delhi-110066
Tel. No: (011) 26104082 Fax. No: (011) 26104082 ,E-mail: , Website:

(20) Department of Education ( DOE)
The Deputy Education Adviser (T), Division TD, VI,
Department of Education,Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
Fax: 011-2382365/23011097/2384093 , Tel: 011- 23782296/2381703

(21) Science and Technology Application for Rural Development (STARD)
Science and Society Related Programmes

The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New
Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016,
e-mail: ,web: www.scienceandtechnology-dst-org.
Fax: 26864570, 26863847, 26862418 ,Tel: 011-26567373 Extn. 298

(22) Science & Technology for Weaker Sections (STAWS).
Science and Society Related Programmes The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New
Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016 ,
e-mail: ,web:
Fax:26864570, 26863847, 26862418 ,Tel:011-26567373 extn. 298

(23 ) Indian National Science Academy ( INSA)
The Chairman, Indian National Science Academy, Bahadur Shah Zafar marg, New Delhi –
e-mail: .in , ,web:
Fax: 91-11-23235648/23231095 ,Tel: EPBAX No. 23221931 to 23221950

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Smarter Systems: The Transition Has Begun

Smarter Systems: The Transition Has Begun

The entire electronics industry is undergoing a transition to smarter systems. The drivers behind this change are all connected to many aspects of system design including efficiency, productivity, security, quality, and of course cost. The enemy is waste. Systems reduce waste when they use only the required resources to deliver only the desired goods and services when and where they are needed. To achieve these goals, systems must be able to obtain, process, and make decisions based on a wide variety of information from remote and local databases, sensor information, and other inputs.
What does this transition mean to system vendors? It means that there must be more decision-making intelligence in every new system. The networks that convey essential information must be transformed from dumb pipes to smart ones. Buildings are becoming smarter so that light and heat are delivered only where needed. Highly integrated networking has come to the factory floor to ensure that every system in the factory has access to critical data needed to make decisions. Robots within these factories combine information from databases with machine vision to become more efficient. Energy grids are becoming smarter so that electricity infrastructures can handle the changing loads of complex societies. Automobiles are becoming smarter through vision systems and wireless communications to increase drivers' safety and to help drivers handle the increasing traffic congestion in urban areas.

Smarts in Everything You Can Imagine

Xilinx is leading the industry to usher in the trend to smarter systems. We call this trend "All Programmable and Smarter Systems" and we have focused on providing hardware- and software-programmable devices and a complete portfolio of SmartCORE IP and system-level expertise to help the rapid design and implementation of smarter systems.

All Programmable and Smarter Systems

For more than 25 years, Xilinx's core competency has been the development of programmable technologies starting with the introduction of the first FPGA. Today's All Programmable FPGAs and SoCs provide unprecedented levels of programmability that is supported by a large and growing portfolio of IP cores, SoC-strength development tools, design specialists with market-specific design expertise, and design services to help you integrate and customize your design solution.
Over the past several years, Xilinx has been making a transition from the leading FPGA vendor to a provider of All Programmable Solutions for Smarter Systems. But just what do those words mean?
It means that the FPGA fabric, the fundamental building block of all Xilinx silicon products—FPGAs, 3D ICs, and SoCs—has reached a critical threshold at the 28nm process node. This threshold marks the transition boundary between "glue logic" and complete systems. At 28nm, Xilinx silicon is capable of replacing entire ASSPs and ASICs, which means that a Xilinx All Programmable device equipped with the right IP and software may well be the only significant integrated circuit needed to implement many end products.

A Generation Ahead 28nm Process Technology

Xilinx and technology and manufacturing partner Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) developed a high-κ metal gate (HKMG), high-performance, low-power 28nm process technology for FPGAs. This new 28nm process technology builds upon the achievements of 40nm FPGA process development and introduces a new HKMG technology to maximize usable system performance through lower power.
Our technology, although unique in the FPGA industry, is already being embraced by other leading-edge IC suppliers because it dramatically reduces static power when compared with alternative process technologies. At the 28nm node, static power is often a more significant portion of the total power dissipation of a device. Therefore, to achieve maximum power efficiency, the choice of process technology is paramount.
Dramatic reductions in FPGA static power at 28nm leaves more of the system power budget for active, dynamic power, yielding higher levels of both integration and system performance. This gives designers the flexibility to implement products at lower power, or alternatively, create products that increase capacity and performance within the same power budget.

Breakthrough in Optimization and Integration

Five product families with breakthroughs in integration and optimization that change the game in price/performance/watt and enable programmable systems integration. With a broad portfolio of All Programmable FPGAs, SoCs and 3D ICs, you are empowered to maximize system performance, lower power, and reduce BOM costs, while preserving design flexibility across a wide range of markets and applications.

Setting a new industry standard for programmable systems integration

  • Logic Integration - at 2M logic cells, 85 Mb RAM, 3600 DSP48E slices, the 7 series delivers unchallenged industry leadership in logic, memory, and DSP capacity
  • SerDes Integration - unmatched total SerDes count, bandwidth, and channel optimization enable the industry’s leading integrated systems with the highest performance and signal integrity
  • Analog Mixed Signal - on chip integration of digitally customizable AMS eliminates multiple devices yielding unmatched BOM savings, system reliability, and security
  • Embedded Processing - on chip integration of an industry-standard ARM® dual-core Cortex™-A9 MPCore™ processing sub-system delivers breakthrough, All Programmable SoC capabilities

Devices optimized for critical market needs, from the highest performance to the most cost-sensitive

  • Extreme Bandwidth and Capacity - the industry’s new watermark for bandwidth and capacity leadership; 2.7Tb/s serial bandwidth, 5T MAC/s, and 2M logic cells
  • Performance - greater than 2X system performance vs. previous generations, and up to 40% average performance advantage vs. equivalent competitive product families
  • Price/Performance/Watt - optimized features and performance leveraging TSMC’s 28HPL process to deliver game changing value that is unmatched in the industry
  • Price and Power - combining process technology, design techniques, and architectural enhancements to deliver the lowest in-class power consumption and price

Staying a Generation Ahead: 20nm Portfolio

Xilinx’s 20nm portfolio, which includes the next-generation 8 series All Programmable FPGAs and 2ndgeneration of 3D ICs and SoCs, builds upon the breakthroughs that were proven at 28nm to provide an extra generation of system performance, lower power and programmable system integration.  Co-optimized with Xilinx’s Vivado Design Suite for the highest productivity and quality of results, the 20nm portfolio will address a wide range of next generation systems and provide the most compelling programmable alternative ever to ASICs and ASSPs.


The electromagnetic simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE® is the culmination of many years of research and development into the most accurate and efficient computational solutions for electromagnetic designs. It comprises CST’s tools for the design and optimization of devices operating in a wide range of frequencies - static to optical. Analyses may include thermal and mechanical effects, as well as circuit simulation.
CST STUDIO SUITE benefits from an integrated design environment which gives access to the entire range of solver technology. System assembly and modeling facilitates multi-physics and co-simulation as well as the management of entire electromagnetic systems.
CST STUDIO SUITE can offer considerable product to market advantages such as shorter development cycles, virtual prototyping before physical trials, and optimization instead of experimentation.
CST STUDIO SUITE comprises the following modules:
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS) is the leading edge tool for the fast and accurate 3D simulation of high frequency devices and market leader in Time Domain simulation. It enables the fast and accurate analysis of antennas, filters, couplers, planar and multi-layer structures and SI and EMC effects etc.
CST EM STUDIO® (CST EMS) is an easy-to-use tool for the design and analysis of static and low frequency EM applications such as motors, sensors, actuators, transformers, and shielding enclosures.
CST PARTICLE STUDIO® (CST PS) has been developed for the fully consistent simulation of free moving charged particles. Applications include electron guns, cathode ray tubes, magnetrons, and wake fields.
CST CABLE STUDIO® (CST CS) for the simulation of signal integrity and EMC/EMI analysis of cable harnesses.
CST PCB STUDIO® (CST PCBS) for the simulation of signal integrity and EMC/EMI EMI on printed circuit boards.
CST MPHYSICS® STUDIO (CST MPS) for thermal and mechanical stress analysis.
CST DESIGN STUDIO (CST DS) is a versatile tool that facilitates 3D EM/circuit co-simulation and synthesis.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Useful Weblinks for Science & Engineering Educators

EurekAlert! is an online, global news service operated by AAAS, the science society. EurekAlert! provides a central place through which universities, medical centers, journals, government agencies, corporations and other organizations engaged in research can bring their news to the media. EurekAlert! also offers its news and resources to the public. EurekAlert! features news and resources focused on all areas of science, medicine and technology. 

eFunda stands for engineering Fundamentals. Its mission is to create an online destination for the engineering community, where working professionals can quickly find concise and reliable information to meet the majority of their daily reference needs.
eFunda is all about the basics, for most part, that means college level material covered in engineering schools. If you practice engineering, more often than not you would find yourself searching for something you knew but could not quite remember. eFunda wants to be your reminder of these formulas. Not only that, eFunda wants to tell you exactly under what conditions those formulas apply, so you don't have to read an entire chapter of the good old textbook. 
SumoBrain Solutions is the company behind FPO. We have been working with patents, patent data, and tackling the problems of “big data” before the term was even popularized. SBS is most well-known through its patent properties, notably FPO. The reality is that FPO is just the tip of the iceberg in capturing the depth and breadth of the capabilities and solutions of SBS – our press release in September, 2011 and the launch of SBS’s web site is an important step in addressing this delta.
"With an impressive collection of web sites, data sets, and services, including,,, and, we needed an identity outside of our hugely popular (but primarily functional) web properties. Many people don’t realize the scope of our capabilities, data and services just from using one of our sites," said Erik Reeves, CEO.
"Providing better tools for patent search was easy for us because we had conducted 100's of patent searches and understood the challenges of the IP professional – facing scarce resources to do complex and incredibly important analysis," added James Ryley, PhD.
By leveraging FPO's years of experience with patent searching, patent data (as well as a rapidly growing collection of Non-patent literature), and its massive community of users, FPO is uniquely positioned to serve the IP community.

Creative Commons Science
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright and enable you to modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs. 
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